How to buy a car in Italy?

Currently, buying a car in Italy seems to be very advantageous according to reports and rumours, but is it really the case? What is certain is that we can do it. But before making this purchase, you must know all the rules to follow and the processes to follow to successfully acquire a car. It is also essential to know who you are using so that you don't get lost in this adventure. So, to help you find the Italian car of your dream, some practical tips are offered.

Find out more on the internet

Before buying a car in Italy, we recommend that you go on the Internet to get more information about the steps to follow. Indeed, you will find their purchasing guides and even tips to make your task easier. But with the number of car websites increasing all the time, you must be careful in their choice. So, to avoid falling on the wrong site, check first that the ads are accompanied by a phone number or an email address so you can have direct contact with the site. Don't forget to compare the prices offered in the ads with those of the Italian market and if the gap between the two is too wide, the site is not reliable.

To know the administrative procedures for buying a car in Italy

As in all European countries, the purchase of a car in Italy requires administrative documents such as a liberto di circolazione or a carte grise in France. The duration of this document is unlimited, which is why the owner number called "hands" must be placed on the back. A certificate of ownership in the form of a Qr-code is also required. Please note that you can request a provisional registration certificate ww which allows you to drive for three months in France in case the car you want to buy is new, but incomplete for bodywork purposes.  If you choose to import a car from Italy, but its registration file is not yet complete, the certificate will allow you to drive for 3 months. With this certificate, you can export it if this is the purpose of the purchase. This request is made either to the prefecture of your choice or to the car registration office in Paris. As far as roadworthiness tests are concerned, they are acceptable in France, because Italy is a country of the European Union.

Opt for a car purchase from a professional

Importing a car from Italy through a professional remains very advantageous. Not only is the selling price cheaper, but you will be assured that your vehicle is running smoothly, because a dealer or garage must check everything before selling it. In addition, it also offers a warranty on imported vehicles. This warranty of 12 months maximum is often included in the posted price. In addition, the transaction rules are very well simplified. helps you to import your car from Germany
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