Calculate your Bonus/Environmental Malus before purchasing a vehicle

Ecology is a subject that we are talking about more and more. Hunting for polluting devices has become a priority and vehicles do not escape from it. To this end, measures have been put in place to promote the use of materials that are less harmful to the environment. In addition to the tablets, tools for accountability for the consequences of pollution are introduced. In this sense, the terms bonus and ecological malus often come up again. As for understanding what they imply, it is not uncommon to find lay people. However, knowing what they consist of is crucial for those who want to buy a new vehicle. As you become familiar with the concept, it will quickly become clear that the model has a significant impact on the price of the car. The legitimate question then arises: how to calculate the bonus or the ecological malus? To answer this question, we will have to focus on a few points.

What is the ecological bonus?

Before going into the details of the ecological bonus malus, it should be noted that it is based on a predefined scale relating to the quantity of CO2 emitted by a vehicle per km. Already in effect in 2017, this scale has been revised for this year. But whatever the measure used; the principle remains the same since it is entirely within the framework of environmental protection through the limitation of the use of polluting tools. With the bonus (and malus) system, motorists are involved from the moment they buy a vehicle. Indeed, anyone who wishes to acquire a vehicle can now do so with a financial advantage. To do so, he will simply have to choose either a car emitting less than 120 g of CO2 per km or a two-wheel electric vehicle without a lead battery. For these categories of vehicles, financial assistance will be available for purchase. It should be noted that this offer is different depending on the emission rate and the nature of the vehicle. As examples, for: an electric 2-wheel drive with a motor of less than 3 kW, the aid is €100; a 2-wheel drive with a motor greater than or equal to 3 kW, the bonus is €900; a vehicle with a CO2 source of 20 g (or less) per km is associated with a bonus of €6,000. To cash out the bonus amount, both individuals and companies must submit a request to the Service and Payment Agency (ASP). In some cases, the dealer himself will issue the bonus amount.

What is the ecological malus?

To put it simply, the penalty is the opposite of the bonus. Also, instead of financial assistance, the purchaser of a vehicle is subject to a tax. The latter applies to vehicles defined as polluting. Are subject to the ecological malus 2018: new vehicles emitting 120 grams (and more) of CO2; second-hand vehicles with an engine of more than 9 horsepower. As with the bonus principle, the amount of tax varies from one vehicle to another. It should be noted that the ecological malus scale for the current year has been hardened compared to that of 2017. While last year, the penalty was only applied to vehicles weighing 127 grams, it is now applied to vehicles emitting 120 grams of CO2 per km. The purchaser of the vehicle meeting the criteria will have to pay the penalty at the time of registration of the vehicle. In addition to the penalty, the new owner will also have to pay an annual tax assigned to polluting vehicles. The tax is a fixed amount of 160 € (for 2018) for all types of vehicles, to be paid to the Public Treasury. While most cars do not derogate from these rules, some are exempt from them. This is the case for commercial vehicles and those intended for the transport of disabled people. Others may benefit from a reduction, such as people with a disability card and families with more than 3 dependent children.

How is the ecological bonus/malus calculated?

In view of these regulations and the accompanying changes, it is therefore crucial to include the amount of the bonus or environmental penalty in your calculations before purchasing a vehicle. Thus, it will be essential to know the exact amount to be added or deducted from the purchase price; this will make it possible to know precisely the budget to be allocated and, at the same time, to orient one's choice according to the vehicle model. To facilitate the operation, it is possible to use online calculation tools. By integrating elements concerning the vehicle, these devices will display a result in a few clicks. helps you to import your car from Germany
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